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Open-Ended Play with Sarah's Silks

Open-Ended Play with Sarah's Silks

Sarah's Silks' amazing collection of open-ended toys made from natural, earth-friendly materials, inspires the imagination and creativity of children worldwide.

Earth Toys is a proud Sarah's Silks Stockist


We have a wide range of Sarah's Silks products, however the original Playsilk is the one we will always come back to.

Play silks are one of our most loved and used toys at home. They are used for dressups, dancing, imaginative play and as decorations, backgrounds and general props. Integrating silks into other forms of play is easy and has a tendency to enhance the play experience. 

 Playing Dress-Ups

The silk wings, skirts, capes, crowns, garlands and wands stocked at Earth Toys are amazing dress-ups and treasured toys used for years to come.

Sarah's Silks is commited to sustainablity

Sarah has been making toys for 28 years. She was inspired to create Sarah's Silks while raising her 3 sons with imagination play during their Waldorf education.

Embracing her husbands families cultural history from China and connection to silk. They are honoured to work with such a beautiful material but also are passionate about ethical production and manufacturing.

"A sustainable mindset is a natural part of our creative ethos, and we stay active in communities locally and abroad to make sure everything we do contributes to improving working conditions and the environment." - Sarah's Silks

Earth Toys promotes a love of play and natural materials.

Sarahs Silks is an obvious choice for us both personally with our family and as a business for your family. It is a pleasure to spread the benefits of silk with our customers.

    One Toy with hundreds of ways to Play!

    Some of our favourite uses for Playsilks include:

    • Build a hut outdoors with sticks and draped silks
    • Spread on the grass for a picnic
    • Make a flag by tying one on a stick
    • Fly it in the wind at the beach like an easy kite
    • Jump on a trampoline with a Playsilk tied on as a cape and watch it fly
    • Fly it in the wind at the beach like an easy kite
    • Jump on a trampoline with a Playsilk tied on as a cape and watch it fly
    • Dance with one or two
    • Use as a puppet show curtain
    • Make a nature play scene- ice, green grass, yellow sand, blue water
    • Act out a story
    • Practice tying knots and bow
    • Use in yoga class
    • Decorate a birthday table
    • Give a Playsilk to someone you love ❤️